Our Office

Pure Dental Studio offers high-quality dental care for all ages and treats you like family. 

Our office is in the Shadowlake Business Park, located at 10001 S. Pennsylvania Ave., Suite M220 in Oklahoma City, OK

Please call (405) 252-1508 or BOOK HERE to make an appointment. 


Dr. Jenny Harreld

Dr. Jenny Harreld is A graduate from OU College of Dentistry and a loving fellow Okie. She grew up in Poteau Eastern Oklahoma, near the Arkansas border, and is a country gal at heart.

She has dreamed of being a dentist since she broke her front teeth in a fateful slip-and-slide accident in 2003. but she’s thankful for that accident because it brought her to dentistry and fostered her dearest passion for a lifetime!

She loves Jesus, Her sweet adopted pitbull-Weiner dog (Booth), and exploring this beautiful Earth. Although She considers dentistry as her favorite hobby, she also shares that she’s a professional mermaid. So when she's not saving teeth, she’s flipping her fins! Life is too short to be serious all the time!