Do you have dental insurance through either your employer or a private provider? If you do, you may be running out of time to make the most out of your 2023 benefits. Many dental insurance plans provide a specific coverage amount per calendar year, and any unused benefits will expire on December 31. We recommend reviewing your coverage to avoid losing any available benefits.

Here are some helpful tips to optimize your benefits: 

  1. Schedule a preventive visit now: Most dental plans cover 100% of preventive care, which includes two routine exams and cleanings annually. If you have not had an exam or cleaning in the last six months, we strongly encourage you to book an appointment before December 31. 

  2. Plan early for the 2024: This upcoming summer, be sure to consult with your dentist about potential treatments needed before the year concludes. Schedule these appointments in advance to ensure you can use all available benefits in 2024. 

  3. Discuss treatment options: If your dentist has recommended treatment in the past, but you have not scheduled it yet, contact us. Completing your treatment plan before the end of the year can help maximize your benefits and enter the year with a healthy smile.